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Think About Your Roof This Spring Time?

Think Safe of Mind, Its Maintenance Time! 

Are you thinking about your roof? 

Common Roof Problems Found During Roof Inspections

Until leaks appear, roofs seem to be out of sight out of mind. The simple truth is that roof deficiencies do not get better over time. Ignoring maintenance problems can create more problematic building concerns. Roof inspections reveal common problems, but in some case the not so predictable issues. The National Roofing Contracting Association and most roofing professionals recommend, your roof to be inspected twice each year, once after the hottest weather and again after the coldest weather. Weather events such as hail, or high winds should also trigger a review of your roof. The main purpose of a roof inspection is to fix minor problems, and prevent major expenses in the future. Roofs that are regularly inspected tend to be better maintained. To prevent further damage do not ignore your roof this spring. Have a professional JAM Associates Inc. inspect your roof, it can help prevent major damages.

Call NOW to schedule your preventative roof inspection today!



We keep talking about this roofing system called Duro-Last.

150 challander rd watertown ct

Duro-Last you can find everything you need to make a leak proof roof! With deck sheets that are custom-prefabricated in sections up to 2,500 square feet each. Duro-Last and virtually all of the other components are produced in a controlled factory environment. Custom pre-fabrication is the difference. The Duro-Last roofing system is perfect for any flat or low slope roofs, new or metal retrofit application. Every Duro-Last roof project is prefabricated to fit every roof precisely. When performing 80-85% of membrane seaming in the controlled factory environment, Duro-Last reduces the potential for rooftop installation errors and leaks that can occur with other systems.


Duro-Last is fire retardant, resistant to chemicals, grease, high winds, punctures, and easily accommodates wide temperature extremes. With custom flashings the Duro-Last roofing system is resistant to ponding water and helps solve roof problems before they happen. Once Duro-Last roofing system is installed it is watertight, and virtually maintenance-free roof.


The Duro-Last roofing system’s white membrane has the highest retained reflectivity of any single ply membrane rated by the EPA’s ENERGY STAR Roof Products Program. This will grant the ability to save a significant amount of energy, and air conditioning costs for building owners and facility managers all over the United States. The Duro-Last roofing system will also help the environments that aren’t a controlled climate to make it more comfortable.


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